St Martin's in Herne with St Peter's, Greenhill


OUR CHOIR meets in St Martin's to practice every Thursday at 7.00 pm.  There are currently 12-15 choir members who sing at Sunday Services covering a wide range of traditional and modern hymns and anthems.  New members are always made very welcome.  Please contact:

THE WORSHIP BAND plays and leads singing at our more informal All-Age Service on the 1st Sunday of each month and at our 3rd Sunday Services of Morning Worship at St Peter's Greenhill.  The band is always keen to welcome new musicians.  For details of practice times and offers to join, please contact: Sarah BinghamTel. 07931 380184.

BELL RINGERS meet for practice in St Martin's Tower on Wednesday evenings.  Learners from 7.00-8.00pm and experienced bellringers from 8.00-9.00pm.  The Bellringing Team is currently made up of churchgoers and local people and we have around six or seven learners.  If this is something that interests you, do contact:

TUESDAY TODDLERS meets every week at Herne Church Hall opposite Strode Park. We get together during school term time from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. We provide suitable toys and a range of craft activities. Each session ends with singing popular nursery songs.  Tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are provided and there is a charge of  £1 per find out more please contact Carolyn Thomas on 01227 366912.

FRIDAY LITTLE FISHES is our other Toddler Group that meets at St Peter's Greenhill every Friday in school term time from 9.30 am until 11.00 am.  It is very similar to Tuesday Toddlers (see above).  To find out more please contact Deborah Waller on 07761 653756.

THE TAPESTRY GROUP has produced St Martin's own version of the Bayeux tapestry to illustrate the many stages of restoration of the church.  It is now complete!  This will soon go on display around the parish and will survive for many generations to come.  The Tapesty Group have other projects up their sleeve ... to find out more, contact Mary Jewiss on 01227 365661.

THE 'GREEN TEAM' cares for Herne Churchyard and is striving to make it a wildlife-friendly eco space in line with Caring for God's Acre principles, further details of which can be found HERE.  They meet on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Wednesday of every month (except January) and encourages people of all ages to join in.  The Team is lead by Claire Stay. If you can help please email and let her know. 

THE FLOWER TEAM is responsible for the floral arrangements in church.  Special festivals such as Harvest, Easter and Christmas and of course, weddings, are always great opportunities for beautiful displays.  Newcomers are always very welcome.  Contact: Liz Sellen, Tel. 01227 368558.

This is a snapshot of our groups and activities.  Please contact the leaders direct.  If you are interested in other ways of getting involved in the life of our churches, please contact one of the Churchwardens - Chris Exley, email or Priscilla Cox, email

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