All at St Martin's Church, Herne, unless otherwise stated
8.00 am - Holy Communion (a more traditional, said service with no hymns)
10.00 am - Holy Communion (a Eucharist with robed choir, sung responses and hymns, for all the family - children can attend Sunday Groups)
Refreshments are served following the 10.00 am Service
On 1st Sundays of the month our 10.00 am Service is All-Age Holy Communion, when Music is provided by our Worship Group and a Craft Activity is included for the children who remain in church throughout
On 3rd Sundays of the month our 10.00 am Service is a simple Morning Worship Service held at St Peter's Greenhill.
A 5.00 pm Evening Service is also provided on some Sundays, which may be Choral Evensong, Celtic Worship or Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing.
*Please check the calendar for current information*