St Martin's in Herne with St Peter's, Greenhill

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We are the Church of England Parish Church for everyone who lives in Herne, Greenhill, Broomfield, Eddington, Talmead & Stillwater.Our historic Grade 1 listed church building, St Martin-in-Herne attracts many visitors and worshippers alike.St Peter's Church Greenhill is a purpose-built Community Hall and this plus St Martin's Church Hall are both available for hire.

We're an ordinary bunch of people who try to live by the values and teaching of Jesus Christ, and who try to love one another as he loves us.  All our activities are our way of sharing God's love as we grow as God's people.

Whether you're looking for a church to call home or are just exploring the Christian faith, you are very welcome.We do not differentiate between age, gender, intellect or ability - we are simply pleased to be called together to serve the people who live and work in our communities, as well as those who are passing through or those who are simply visiting.

Step inside and see what we offer.Please contact us if you have any questions.


Thursday 12th September
7:00pm - 8:30pm -
Friday 13th September
9:30am - 11:30am -
Sunday 15th September
8:00am - 9:00am -


All at St Martin's Church, Herne, unless otherwise stated


8.00 am - Holy Communion (a more traditional, said service with no hymns)

10.00 am - Holy Communion (a Eucharist with robed choir, sung responses and hymns, for all the family - children can attend Sunday Groups)

Refreshments are served following the 10.00 am Service

On 1st Sundays of the month our 10.00 am Service is All-Age Holy Communion, when Music is provided by our Worship Group and a Craft Activity is included for the children who remain in church throughout

On 3rd Sundays of the month our 10.00 am Service is a simple Morning Worship Service held at St Peter's Greenhill.

A 5.00 pm Evening Service is also provided on some Sundays, which may be Choral Evensong, Celtic Worship or Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing.

*Please check the calendar for current information*


St Martin’s Church Hall

St Peter’s Greenhill

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